Could technology facilitate better co-parenting?

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Could technology facilitate better co-parenting?

On Behalf of | Apr 4, 2023 | Child Custody

Living during the Digital Age certainly has its drawbacks and advantages. One advantage that the modern era provides for co-parents is the ability to utilize apps in ways that can make their co-parenting arrangements more manageable. 

Co-parents may want to strongly consider two primary kinds of apps when thinking about integrating technology into their co-parenting approach:

Apps to keep co-parenting relationships manageable

There are a host of apps on the market that have been crafted for co-parents specifically. If you hop on your preferred search engine and research “co-parenting apps,” you’ll likely be stunned by the variety of platforms that you and your child’s other parent can use to communicate, share calendars and track expenses. These apps can help you to minimize your need to communicate via other means that may inspire tension and off-topic discussions. 

Apps to keep parents and kids connected

There are also a host of kid-friendly apps that will allow you to video chat with your kids, view and digitally store their artwork, share photos, draw and read together and otherwise interact in meaningful ways. Integrating the use of such apps into your virtual visitation approach could be helpful under a number of different circumstances. 

If you have concerns that your co-parent won’t cooperate when it comes to using certain apps as part of your broader co-parenting relationship, consider speaking with a legal professional about including app usage and/or virtual visitation terms in your parenting plan. 

If you already have a parenting plan in place, you and your co-parent can always choose to modify it via mutual agreement. Negotiating directly or with the help of your attorneys can help you achieve meaningful solutions and a healthier approach. 

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